Monday, February 22, 2010

Fishing World Music

Came So Far From Beauty - SMH review - 
Bernard Zuel reviews the show that never was.
Shortly before the Island Wars began, I attended a music promotion hosted by Fishing World magazine.
Gig Ryan and Lucinda Williams' band Hex & Gone, were about to play for the troops, but then pulled the plug, knowing the Waggaists would also benefit from the concert. “We’re not performing while the war rages’ said Ryan. “We’re a band who plays when and where we want, we play for the money and the fame, but also for revenge. We don't want to entertain rednecks and sycophantic wankers. Williams responded: “Revenge for the red hex of it all. We are out to balance the gender books. We want Dr Greene’s guts for our guitar strings.”
This was happening in the basement of AC/DC’s mansion near Church Point. The green-room had been set up by the good doctor and under the sponsorship of Fishing World. Jim Harnwell, the magazine's editor, was handing out issues of the April issue. “This is only February,” said someone making coffee. “Well that’s why the April issue’s out,” Harnwell said.
Ezra Pound and Bunting walked in. Ezra said, “Why aren’t the goddamn poetry magazines published with the same knifed-edged efficiency? This is True Enterprise! Here we have an an example of how it’s done. We have ‘permission’ from goddamn sportswriters! What kind of a world have we created?!”
The green room went quiet, Bunting was trying to chat up Lucinda, but Gig was pointing to the cover photo on the April issue. “This must have something to do with Creeley,” she said. Everyone crowded in and focussed on the cover. “Remember Creeley’s pigeon fancier journal when he was in Majorca?” They all looked at the new issue again. The subject of the cover photo was a chicken. 
“Well, he’s done it again! This man is a blight upon the world” It was Mondrian. “Greene has created a land-dwelling Wagga” Tom Raworth picked up the magazine and said. “It’s a chook pecking at the feet of the Red K! A Rhode Island Wagga-Fowl!" Gig put her guitar down and walked off. “It’s all fucked,” she said.

The concert is being postponed and will take place on The Island as part of the victory celebrations.

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